quarta-feira, 17 de março de 2010

¡Hasta la Victoria siempre!


A Semana Latina começou. :D Nossas camisetas sao lindas. Nosso show vai ser lindo. A telenovela ta linda (e eu nao sou a dançarina do bar hahah, sou a mocinha. lol). Os convites tavam lindos.


Desde o inicio do ano estava decidido que as "Semanas" Culturais durariam apenas 3 dias. Desde a primeira reuniao entre os Latinos, todos decidiram que iriamos conversar com a Helen e achar brechas pra fazer coisas durante todos os dia da semana. E, surpresa, a Helen concordou com tudo. :D

Pois bem. Entregamos os convites a todas as pessoas, com uma atividade em cada dia da semana. Até que  artin, um garoto da Eslovaquia (e abro mao de xingamentos aqui) mandou um email à Helen reclamandosobre o fato da nossa semana ser uma Semana de verdade. Achei bem mesquinho e tudo mais.

Sendo assim, Helen, sendo a pessoa maravilhosa, sincera e honesta que é, disse ao Martin que ela nao tinha culpa disso, que era culpa dos Latinos, que nao eram organizados. (:

Nao preciso dizer que fiquei puta, e nao fiquei puta sozinh, obviamente. A Susana, a professora de Espanhol, levoutoda a culpa no final, porque a Helen disse que ELA era responsavel,  que é uma mentira deslavada.

Depois disso nos reunimos todos na casa da Susana e resolvemos fazer os 3 melhores dias que ja foram visos esse ano, e tenho certeza de que vao ser. Nosso tema é "Revoluçao", algo bem presete na America Latina, e, se diziam que nao tinhamos nada para mudar, agora encontramos.

Tivemos que mudar nosso calendario, e iss foi o que nos todos fizemos com a Arnoia:



Dear comrades,

mi dispiace, but we must inform you that dissident elements alien to our cause have threatened the course of our revolution. Now more than ever we must be alert! The leadership of the Revolutionary Council is asking you for an even more heroic effort. We are in a crucial moment for the final consecution of our revolutionary aims.
Given the serious obstacles that our revolution has encountered, the Revolutionary Council has decided to modify the set of guidelines concerning our immediate actions. Thus, on Thursday, 18th of March, the new 3-DAY-PLAN will come into force. For this reason, the operations expected for Wednesday will have to be postponed for Thursday and Saturday instead.

As such, our first tactic movement, the Serenade Competition, will take place at the same time and at the same place, but on Thursday 18th of March. We know that at this point you are all aware of the difficulty of such an operation. Therefore, from the leadership of the Revolutionary Council we ask you to carry this out with all your revolutionary fervour. Only in this way will you be able to conclude successfully this operation, winning a Latino dinner with the comrade you choose, prepared by Commander Graciela Hernández.

We will then have to move on to the next operation: the Latin American Cinema Session. This, though, will be equally postponed, being moved to Saturday 20th at 3 PM. The Ples Revolutionary Latino Column will be waiting for you to share the great masterpieces by our most revolutionary artists.

However, the most crucial operation will take place on Thursday (Revolution Day) during Break. Due to strategic difficulties, it will be the Revolutionary Latino Column of your residence who will outline the directions concerning this move in the following 24 hours.

Finally, we want to remind you to keep always in mind our artists’ task. The Revolutionary propaganda must and will keep standing. As Commander Sergio Escalera has already explained, our Soap Opera “Amor Prohibido”, will be shown every day at Mensa Headquarters, at 7, 7.30 and 8 PM.

We advise you to check your Revomail often as more communicates may follow.

¡Hasta la Victoria siempre!

Commander Bouzas

on behalf of the

Latino Revolutionary Council.  

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